Basic Tenets Associated with All Forest Management Activities

Social Concerns

  • Employ local labor and expertise for staffing forest management and restoration activities.
  • Sell logs and other wood products to local mills of all capacities.
  • Local residents will have priority when issuing permits for non-commercial forest products.
  • Always be good neighbor when operating in watersheds and near property lines.
  • Engage the public during the forest management planning process.
  • Recognize the working forest is a living laboratory and serves as a teaching tool for public benefit.

Environmental Concerns

  • All RFFI forest lands will be managed under the existing Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC®) Pacific Coast Regional Guidelines including all standards pertaining to:
    • The use of forest pesticides
    • The management of old growth stands and individual trees
    • Forest dependent fish, wildlife and floristic species.
  • The silvicultural system of choice shall encourage and maintain an all-aged, all species mix forest composition.
  • Priority shall be given to the protection of soil, water quality, and wildlife habitat when planning, designing and conducting all timber harvesting operations.
  • Priority shall be given to restoration activities that are focused on the protection of soil, water quality, and wildlife habitat.
  • All of RFFI’s “Working Community Forests” will be managed for long-term production of high-quality sawlogs.

Economic Concerns

  • Priority is given to the timely payment of interest and the scheduled retirement of all debt.
  • Revenues received from the sale of logs will cover management and restoration costs.
  • Seek supplemental revenue opportunities from non-timber forest products such as recreation, education, etc.
  • When additional revenues are available, they shall be distributed for public benefit purposes in conformance with RFFI’s non-profit status.

Management Concerns

  • RFFI’s Board of Directors shall exclusively formulate all forest management policies.
  • RFFI’s Forest Management Staff shall be expected to carry out such policies.
  • RFFI’s subcommittee on Forest Management shall serve as an oversight committee for the forest management staff on matters directly related to the execution of such policies.