When the Redwood Forest Foundation purchased the Usal Redwood Forest in 2007, RFFI leaders held a series of public meetings seeking advice on forestry practices and vegetation management. This process garnered helpful advice and valuable advisors joined our ranks. One enduring and impactful result was that members of the Native American community stepped forward and began to educate us in the historical native practices of native plant uses and the value of tanoak. This collaboration resulted in the establishment of the 8-acre Chinquapin Springs Acorn Grove, that is now set aside for Native American use.
As their involvement with RFFI and the Usal Forest deepened, they educated us in many aspects of their history, including their early uses and management of the forest now known as the Usal Redwood Forest. Together we engaged 400 community members in the development of a Native American and Nature Study Center, Koostcho, to be located at our McCoy Creek site. Architectural and program plans were developed; we are seeking funding. The first step in this project is the Mc Coy Creek Trail.
Native American community members continue to advise our practices and serve on our Redwood Forest Council. RFFI mourns the loss of Louis Hoaglin who served as a leader of and continuing advisor. Louis and several other community members were honored in a redwood tree planting (See Video Below) that we had in February 2020 at the Mc Coy Creek site.